Race and Climate

TPS Can Alleviate Impacts of Migrant Crisis

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MUST EXPAND HUMANITARIAN PROTECTIONS TO RECOGNIZE DANGERS OF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE AND CLIMATE CHANGE Expanding Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Can Alleviate Impacts of Migrant Crisis   Lawyers for Civil Rights (LCR) called on the federal government to expand humanitarian protection to additional countries where gender-based violence...

Equitable East Boston Greenway

Lawyers for Civil Rights and GreenRoots made recommendations to the City of Boston for the renovation and improvement of the City-owned section of the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway (“The Greenway”) in East Boston. The Greenway is a major community asset, and with improvements it can become a crown jewel spurring recreational, cultural, and economic activity in...

LCR’s Civil Rights Summit

LCR’s Civil Rights Summit November 4, 2022 Lawyers for Civil Rights held a Civil Rights Summit on November 4, 2022, convening powerful attorneys and community partners for strategic and catalytic thought partnership to advance civil rights in the current legal landscape, including changes in the composition of the Supreme Court. We are grateful to Suffolk...

Fact-Finding Mission Examines Conditions in Central America

A Closer Look: Fact-Finding Mission Examines Conditions in Central America Fact-finding Delegation Documents Push and Pull Factors of Migration from Central America  In response to recent migration trends, Centro Presente, Alianza Americas, GreenRoots, and Lawyers for Civil Rights (LCR) conducted a week-long fact-finding mission in August to witness...

Launching the Lauren Sampson Fellowship

Lawyers for Civil Rights Launches Lauren Sampson Fellowship Lawyers for Civil Rights (LCR) is committed to honoring the memory and legacy of our colleague Lauren Sampson. We are proud to announce the creation of a legal fellowship dedicated to deepening and expanding Lauren’s impactful work from housing to climate justice and beyond.  The Lauren...

Lauren Sampson Day

At Lawyers for Civil Rights, we continue to remember the life and legacy of our friend and colleague, Lauren Sampson. Lauren’s birthday, April 18, has been officially declared the Lauren Sampson Day of Environmental Justice by the City Council in Boston. We have also spearheaded the placement of a memorial plaque in LoPresti Park in...

100 Organizations File Human Rights Petition Against the U.S.

ONE HUNDRED ORGANIZATIONS URGE INTER-AMERICAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE ABUSES AND RACISM AT THE U.S. BORDER International Human Rights Monitoring Needed To Protect Haitian And Central American Refugees from U.S. Mistreatment and Abuse A diverse coalition of one hundred (100) organizations from across the United States and Latin America...

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