Police Accountability

Enrique Delgado Garcia’s Death

Statement on Enrique Delgado Garcia At Lawyers for Civil Rights, we are hearing alarming reports that Enrique Delgado Garcia may have been deliberately targeted due to his Latino identity, as one of the few people of color in the Massachusetts State Police Academy.  Mr. Delgado Garcia may have been intentionally paired with a more experienced counterpart...

New Report on Police Diversity

New Report Shows Dramatic Impact of 1970s-Era “Consent Decree” on Police Diversity in Massachusetts Long-Running Federal Court Oversight to End Soon, Raising Concerns About Backsliding A comprehensive new study released by The Brattle Group analyzes the dramatic impact that a 50-year-old federal court case has had on police diversity throughout...

Condemning Gun Violence

Condemning Gun Violence Across the Commonwealth  Gun violence is a plague on the United States, and Massachusetts is far from immune. Shootings on back-to-back days this weekend disrupted Caribbean Festivals in Boston and Worcester, leaving at least ten people injured and local communities of color shaken. Meanwhile, following 21 shooting incidents in...

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