At LCR, our mission is the complete elimination of discrimination. We dream of a society where every person — regardless of race, color, creed, age, national origin, immigration status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability — can contribute their skills and talents to make Massachusetts a better place for all of us.
Add your voice to the thousands of others fighting to defend and expand social justice by supporting our work today! Your generous tax-deductible contribution is a catalyst for expanding the communities we serve in the trenches of social justice. Together, we are building a legacy of justice and equality.
Gifts of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds are also welcome. Such gifts are a great way to give and also to possibly save on capital gains taxes. For information on stocks, bonds, or mutual funds gifts contact our Executive Director Iván Espinoza-Madrigal at 617-988-0624.
Providing for LCR in your estate will enhance your ability to support civil rights for years to come.
You can include LCR in your will.
You can also name LCR as a beneficiary of your life insurance, living trust, or qualified retirement plan.
You can make a bequest to LCR by designating a specific sum of money; property or real estate; a percentage of your estate; or the remainder of your estate after other beneficiaries receive the portion you designate.
Through a contingent bequest, you can make LCR the beneficiary of your estate if your beneficiaries pass away before you.
You can also create a charitable trust through your will that will benefit individuals you choose during their lifetimes with the remainder after they die passing to LCR to support civil rights.
For more information on legacy gifts, please contact our Executive Director Iván Espinoza-Madrigal at 617-988-0624.
In as little as one sentence, you can include LCR in your will:
In your will, you can give a specific sum of money or piece of property to LCR. For example:
“I give and bequeath the sum of $________ [cash amount or percentage amount] to Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts (tax identification number 04-3490614), for its general purposes.”
I give and devise to Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts (tax identification number 04-3490614), for its general purposes, all right, title, and interest owned by me at the time of my death in the land and buildings situated at _________.
To ensure that your wishes are followed exactly, we suggest including LCR’s full name, address, and non-profit Tax ID number in your will:
Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc.
61 Batterymarch Street, 5th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02110
501(c)(3) Tax ID number: 04-3490614
You can enter LCR’s Tax ID number 04-3490614 if you are asked for the beneficiary’s social security number, employer identification number (EIN) or taxpayer identification number in any estate planning documents.
Residuary Bequest:
By a residuary bequest, you can give to LCR all or part of the property remaining in your estate after the payment of debts, taxes, expenses, and bequests to other beneficiaries:
“I give, devise and bequeath to Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts (tax identification number 04-3490614), for its general purposes, all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, of whatsoever kind and wheresoever situated.”
“I give, devise and bequeath to Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts (tax identification number 04-3490614), for its general purposes, _____ percent of all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, of whatsoever kind and wheresoever situated.”
To ensure that your wishes are followed exactly, we suggest including LCR’s full name, address, and non-profit Tax ID number in your will:
Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc.
61 Batterymarch Street, 5th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02110
501(c)(3) Tax ID number: 04-3490614
Contingent Bequests:
By a contingent bequest, you can make a gift to LCR that will take effect only if another beneficiary predeceases you:
“If [name of spouse, child, family member or friend] does not survive me, I give, devise and bequeath to Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts (tax identification number 04-3490614), for its general purposes [cash amount, percentage of estate, or other description of property].”
To ensure that your wishes are followed exactly, we suggest including LCR’s full name, address, and non-profit Tax ID number in your will:
Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc.
61 Batterymarch Street, 5th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02110
501(c)(3) Tax ID number: 04-3490614
For more information on legacy gifts, please contact our Executive Director Iván Espinoza-Madrigal at 617-988-0624. Thank you for supporting LCR in the fight for equality and justice.
Please note that this information is not intended as legal or tax advice. We recommend that you consult with your legal and financial advisors to learn how a gift would work in your circumstances. Laws and regulations governing gifts vary by state.
Your IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) plan is a great way to provide for your retirement. It can also be an opportunity to advance the values that have been most important to you in your life. Here’s how:
Request a beneficiary designation form from the financial institution that manages your account. The form can often be found on their web site.
Complete the form using the below information:
Lawyers for Civil Rights, Inc.
61 Batterymarch Street, 5th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02110
Tax ID# (enter if asked for a social security #): 04-3490614
You can enter LCR’s Tax ID number 04-3490614 if you are asked for the beneficiary’s social security number, employer identification number (EIN) or taxpayer identification number.
Another way to support the LCR is through AmazonSmile where Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of the customer’s choice. Please consider using AmazonSmile when making online purchases and select Lawyers for Civil Rights (formerly Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice) as the charitable organization you would like to support. Please visit this link to sign up: