While our work to safeguard the vote during the 2020 election cycle has concluded, democracy doesn’t stop here.
Lawyers for Civil Rights (LCR) is launching Democratizing Redistricting in 2021 to ensure that the forthcoming redistricting process is fair, equitable, transparent, and community driven. This work will be coordinated with community and coalition partners, including Drawing Democracy.
Redistricting is a process that uses census data to redraw the lines and boundaries of political districts for local, state, and federal elections.
Community-driven redistricting efforts co-led by Lawyers for Civil Rights and our allies created Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional district, which elected the state’s first ever Black Congresswoman, Representative Ayanna Pressley.
We now have another opportunity to foster a more diverse, representative, and accountable democracy.
But we can’t do this work alone.
No one knows your community better than you, and that’s why we need your input. Your voice can influence how and where district lines are drawn, which will determine whether your community can elect representatives of choice to sit on the school board, city council, state legislature, and Congress for the next ten years.
This landing page will be dedicated to our redistricting work, please visit this page for regular updates and to learn more about ways to get involved in redistricting. You can also email us at democracy@lawyersforcivilrights.org.
Click here to download our redistricting palm-cards in English and Spanish (en español).
Click here to download our redistricting strategy.