Statement Regarding First Circuit Opinion in Courthouse Arrest Case (Ryan v. ICE)
Although we are disappointed in today’s ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Ryan v. ICE, it is only a preliminary decision that sends the case back to the District Court in Boston for further proceedings. In returning the case to the District Court, the First Circuit noted gaps in the factual record — particularly regarding Massachusetts’ policy on courthouse arrests — and found that “the manner in which [this gap] is filled could affect the outcome of this case.”
Lawyers for Civil Rights, our pro bono co-counsel, and our courageous clients will continue to litigate this case vigorously to protect the most vulnerable among us, including victims of domestic assault who reported carrying copies of the injunction with them as they sought restraining orders against abusive partners. The full case continues to progress in the district court where we will further develop the evidentiary record and pursue our additional constitutional claims with the final goal of securing a permanent injunction blocking ICE courthouse arrests.
Courthouse immigration arrests impede justice by deterring witnesses and victims of crime from attending court. That harms all of us. Lawyers for Civil Rights will continue to stand with immigrant communities in the fight to end these practices and to make our communities safe for all.