Launching Multilingual Census 2020 Hotline

Immigrant Rights, Racial Justice, Voting Rights

In light of the critical role that the 2020 Census will play in determining how billions of dollars of federal funding will be allocated, Lawyers for Civil Rights launched a multi-pronged effort to ensure that all Massachusetts residents are counted. The campaign will include a multilingual Census Hotline and extensive community education materials.

Outreach about the Census is particularly critical in the current climate, since immigrants and people of color have been repeatedly targeted for civil rights violations through policies enacted by the federal government. There is widespread distrust of federal authorities, yet the 2020 Census will ask people to make themselves known to the federal government.

To overcome this distrust and educate our client communities about the importance of Census 2020, Lawyers for Civil Rights is launching a multilingual Census Hotline to disseminate legally accurate information, and communicate directly with affected individuals who have questions and concerns about the Census.

We will also create and disseminate educational outreach materials – including toolkits, palm cards, and community presentations – to empower hard-to-count populations and encourage their active Census participation.

We will also provide free legal advice and counsel to individuals, families, and community groups who encounter any issues regarding Census participation.

Need Help?

Call the Census Hotline at (617) 482-1145 or email

Census Video

View our Census video with Centro Presente (en español) →

View our bilingual webinar on Census legal issues →

Census 2020 Advocacy

View our legal brief to the U.S. Supreme Court →

View our advocacy letter to the U.S. Census Bureau →

View our advocacy letter to the Census Regional Office →

View our advocacy letter on behalf of Cambodian-Americans →

View our op-ed on the Census →

View our webinar on technical questions about the Census →

Census 2020 Factsheets

View the infographic on Census income and public benefits →

View the Census factsheet in English →

Vea el folleto del Censo en Español →

Informações sobre o censo em português →

Enfòmasyon sou resansman an nan kreyol →

年人口普查简报 →

Census Art Contest for Students (K-12)

View the guidelines in English →

Vea las reglas en Español →

Census 2020 Palm Cards

View the palm card in English →

Vea la tarjeta informativa en Español →

Census-Palmcard-Feb-2020-English Census-Palmcard-Feb-2020