Our latest accomplishments

Boston Civil Rights and Educator Groups Call for Greater Teacher Diversity →

Boston Civil Rights and Educator Groups Call for Greater Teacher Diversity Boston – a group of leading Asian American, Black, and Latino educator and civil rights groups, together with the Boston Teachers Union, released Broken Promises, a call for greater teacher diversity in Boston Public Schools (BPS).   The paper highlights research on the...

Public School Students, NAACP Present Argument to Supreme Judicial Court in Charter Cap Case →

Monday, October 2nd - When the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court held oral argument on the appeal of Doe v. Peyser, a lawsuit that sought to declare Massachusetts’ cap on charter schools unconstitutional, it heard from public school students and civil rights and education justice organizations who successfully argued for the...

Boston Globe Calls for Action on Exam School Diversity →

The Boston Globe Editorial Board calls for "more urgency" in closing Boston Latin’s diversity gap, citing the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice: “There is simply nothing meritorious about a public school admissions policy that favors those who can pay for private test preparation,” said Matt Cregor, the...

Incoming Exam School Classes Fail to Reflect Boston’s Diversity, Especially at Boston Latin School →

Incoming Exam School Classes Fail to Reflect Boston’s Diversity, Especially at Boston Latin School Civil Rights Groups Call for Citywide Review of Exam School Admissions May 9, 2017 Boston, MA: Admissions data for Boston’s incoming exam school classes show that the troubling trend of under-enrollment of African Americans and Latinos...

Statement: U.S. Attorney Finds Boston Latin School Violated Federal Civil Rights Law →

Education, Racial Justice
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                      SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 Civil Rights Groups’ Statement on Finding by U.S. Attorney that Boston Latin School Violated Federal Civil Rights Law Groups Behind Federal Complaint Urge City to Use Agreement to Improve the Racial Climate of Every Boston School Boston, MA: Today, U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz found...

Boston Public Schools’ Report Highlights Racial Bias at Boston Latin School →

Boston Public Schools’ Report Highlights Racial Bias at Boston Latin School The Boston Public Schools’ Office of Equity released the findings of its second round of investigation into the racial climate at Boston Latin School.  The breadth of this investigation is commendable, covering over 100 reported incidents of identity-based bias...

Forum: Black in Boston Public Schools – June 11th →

The Lawyers' Committee is proud to join a host of civil rights and religious groups in co-sponsoring the BLACK IN BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS forum on Saturday, June 11th (9am-2pm) at Greater Love.

In Globe Letter, LCCR Voices Support for Students’ School-Funding Protest →

In response to a Globe editorial, "An incomplete lesson for BPS students," the Lawyers' Committee submitted the following letter, published on Saturday, May 28, noting that students' peaceful protest against school budget cuts should not be dismissed so easily by the paper: RATHER THAN address the concerns raised by a multiracial...

Court to Hear Argument in Charter Cap Lawsuit →

  COURT TO HEAR ARGUMENT IN CHARTER CAP LAWSUIT    NAACP, Students of Color, Students with Disabilities, and English Language Learners Seek to Intervene Boston, MA – On Friday, April 8th, traditional public school students and the New England Area Conference of the NAACP will argue for their right to...

The Case Against Lifting the Charter Cap →

Education, Racial Justice

Lawyers’ Committee Moves to Intervene in Charter Cap Case on Behalf of Students of Color, Students with Disabilities, and English Language Learners →

Education, Racial Justice
Boston, MA – Students of color, students with disabilities, and English language learners, together with the New England Area Conference of the NAACP, moved today to intervene in the pending litigation over the cap on charter schools, arguing that the cap is necessary to preserve educational opportunities for students in...

LCCR’s Matthew Cregor in the Boston Globe →

LCCR Staff Attorney Matthew Cregor was featured in a Boston Globe article discussing opposition to the City of Boston's plan to place all middle school students on the T instead of school buses. In the article, Cregor raises the sexual harassment that middle school girls experienced from men in and around...

Rahsaan Hall quoted in Banner, Opposes New BPS School Closings →

The Lawyers' Committee, along with other activists groups, oppose the new school closings announced by Boston Public Schools. Read the full article here.

LCCR and BEAM Oppose Call for More School Closures →

LCCR and Black Educators' Alliance of Massachusetts (BEAM) oppose the possible school closures mentioned in Boston Public Schools' preliminary budget report for next school year.  As this joint letter makes clear, the budget process is too rushed a time to consider closing schools, especially when there's an ongoing federal civil rights investigation into BPS'...