LCCR’s Matt Cregor Tackles School Discipline

Education, Racial Justice

On October 6, 2015, LCCR’s Education Project Director Matt Cregor keynoted a conference on school discipline in Indianapolis.  As Indiana considers state-wide reforms not unlike those won in Massachusetts, Cregor, an Indiana native, offered a national overview of advancements in addressing racial disparities in discipline.  As featured in the Indiana Lawyer:

“One of the keynote speakers was Indiana native Matthew Cregor.  He sprinkled his presentation with stories of students who were arrested for such acts as writing ‘I love my friends’ on a school desk.  Cregor also pointed to data as a way to see what is happening in the schools. In order for that data to be responsive to the problems, he said, teachers have to be the ones looking at the numbers and figuring out the trends.  ‘My prayer is that as a state, we say these are all our children and that to give them the opportunities they’re going to need to succeed in life, we’ve got to figure out how to keep them all in school,’ Cregor said.”